这个页面是为了教育我们的年轻人而创建的, 父母, and youth workers on the seriousness and consequences of juvenile crime, and to assist the families of alleged juvenile justice-involved individuals, so that they may better understand the juvenile justice system.

By detailing what happens to a child when he or she commits a delinquent act in 莫哈维族县, we hope that all youth will gain an appreciation of the ramifications of juvenile delinquency, 包括他们自己和他们的父母或监护人.


A Juvenile 刑事 Case is initiated by any of the following:

引用 是由警务人员发出的吗. A 引用 requires the juvenile to meet with a probation officer at the 缓刑 Department at a later date or to appear in Juvenile Court. Youths facing criminal charges can also be 逮捕ed by the police and released to their 父母, with the charges filed by mail with the 缓刑 Department and/or District Attorney's Office.

Youths already on probation can be re-逮捕ed by the police or probation officers for probation violations. 一个官员可以 逮捕 犯罪的少年. 犯罪情节严重不能释放未成年人的, the officer is given the discretion to take the minor into custody and book him into the county Juvenile Hall located in 金曼. 未成年人被逮捕, 警官必须有一个具体的理由, such as committing a criminal act or violating the terms of probation.

当一个少年被逮捕, the officer performs a clothed-body search referred to as a "搜身“搜索. The officer then puts handcuffs on the juvenile and places him or her in a patrol car. The juvenile is then transported to Juvenile Hall for booking.

万一你被捕了, the following rules should be kept in mind when dealing with the police:

不要拒捕不管这次逮捕看起来多么不合理. 拒捕是违法的. 如果一名警察带着搜查令来到你家, 你必须允许警官搜查你的家.


What it means to be booked and admitted into Juvenile Detention Facility:

It means that a police or other law enforcement agency has alleged the minor has committed a criminal offense and has brought that young person to Juvenile Detention for admission.   如果承认, 幼崽失去了来去自由, and must conform to all rules and regulations of the institution.

Decisions on whether to formally detain the youth pending a hearing in front of a Juvenile Court judge are made after the booking procedure.


The juvenile arrives by police vehicle into an enclosed drive-up area.   He remains in the vehicle handcuffed until the gates are closed behind him.

如果未成年人在车祸中受伤, 是否受到其他伤害或因毒品或酒精中毒, he or she will be taken to a medical facility for treatment before being booked into the detention facility, 可能会被送回少年拘留所登记


对未成年人进行穿衣服搜身. 未成年人掏空了所有的口袋, 脱掉鞋子, 然后检查衣服和鞋子是否有违禁品. 如果接待处和预订处很忙, the minor will be placed in a holding cell or secured to the booking bench until they can be further processed.

到目前为止,这个少年一直穿着他的便服. A Juvenile Detention Officer of the same sex will escort the juvenile to a private shower area where:

  • The juvenile is strip searched to ensure no contraband (such as narcotics, 武器, 匹配, 打火机被带进来了.
  • The juvenile takes a shower and is issued clean clothes (underwear, socks, shoes, pants and T-shirt).
  • 这个少年被分配到一个住房单位.
  • 对幼鱼进行进一步评估,以确定以下内容:
  • 情绪水平和自杀风险
  • 药物的历史
  • 纹身和身体穿孔的痕迹
  • 帮派关系
  • 病史
  • 少年被拍照.
  • 未成年人由医务人员检查:
  • 护士会取尿样并记录生命体征.
  • The juvenile will get a complete physical examination within 72 hours of booking.
  • 与父母联系,回顾病史.

If a juvenile has been 逮捕ed and the police and probation officer or juvenile detention officer (depending on the time of arrival) have determined that he or she should be booked into Juvenile Detention Facility, the law requires that within 24 hours after the Attorney's Office files the charges in Juvenile Court (excluding weekends and holidays), the juvenile must be brought before a judge in Juvenile Court for a detention hearing.

The purpose of a Detention Hearing is for the judge to determine whether the juvenile should remain in custody or be released to 他或她的父母或监护人.   The following people must be present at the detention hearing: the juvenile, 他或她的父母或监护人, 少年律师和一名缓刑监督官.   Unlike the adult system, youthful offenders do not receive jury trials and are not released on bail.

The judge begins the hearing by advising the juvenile of his or her rights.

  • 请律师的权利
  • 保持沉默的权利
  • The right to a non-jury trial to determine if he or she committed the crime as charged
  • The right to see all witnesses called to testify against him or her
  • The judge must also advise the juvenile of the specific charges filed against him or her

在听证会的这个阶段, the judge will hear from the different participants to determine the detention status of the juvenile.

  • The Deputy 缓刑 Officer will give a brief history of the juvenile regarding his prior record, 目前的进攻, 相关学校信息及家庭情况.
  • The Deputy 缓刑 Officer will make recommendations to the court regarding continued detention at Juvenile Detention or release to the custody of his 父母.
  • The Deputy District Attorney will give statements regarding the circumstances of the crime based on the police report.
  • The juvenile's attorney and 父母 also have an opportunity to comment on whether the juvenile should remain in custody.

在听完所有证词之后, the judge decides if the circumstances warrant continued detention or to return the juvenile to his or her home.


  • 违反了法庭命令
  • 是否存在逃离法院管辖的风险
  • Poses a threat to other persons or property, or is a danger to him or herself
  • 是惯犯吗


金曼 . 809 E. 比尔圣. 86402 . (928)753-0741

哈瓦苏湖城 . 2001年大学大道129号. 86404 . (928)453-0707

顽固的人城市 . 967年汉考克. 25套. 86442 .(928)758-0738

亚利桑那州的地带 . St. George Ut, 84790. 352 E. 河滨分校博士., B2室(928)279-0329